Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Card Game

I was exhausted this afternoon at work today, but I knew I had to ride tonight.  I could just feel it.  I rode last night, but it just didn't do it.  I wasn't satisfied.  I pulled the pedals off of the mtb and put them on my "road" bike.  That's the high end operation I run here.  I switch the pedals that were given to me between bikes.  And while I was pumping up my tires, I noticed that they said 110 pounds!  I thought they were 100 pounds!  Another example of the quality operation; stupifying attention to detail.  So I pumped them up to 110 while wincing.  In the last month, I've had 3 tires pop on me while pumping them up.  Even for me, that's excessive, but alas!  Properly pumped up and ready to go!  Sweet ride down to the prison/jail and back and I saw only three deer.  The others must have been at a card game or something.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bad Biker, Bad Biker!

I didn't know what time sunset was.  That makes me a bad biker.  Or since we're having a baby, it makes me a biker who makes bad decisions.  Love and Logic folks let me hear ya'!  Well, it's either that or keep studying Nanny 911 episodes!
If you must know, I did ride tonight.  I felt good for almost 10 minutes.  I went down and up the hill at Crystal Ridge twice.  The second time, I had feelings in my legs that I never felt before.  That must have been because I am usually too out of breath to notice.  On the Mountain Biker Fitness Scale I must be at 1.5.  That's on a ten point scale.  What do I care?  I have a blast doing it.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Killer Ride!

I rode with friends today.  This is a picture of my main competitor's ride.  We went at it for 5.5 miles and he beat me by a nose at the end.  I sent the raw data to some rocket scientists , and they figured he peddled 29,000 revolutions on that ride.  It was a blast.  I got a little extra workout pulling his little brother. 

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Madison Ride

I was going to ride in Pewaukee with a friend of mine today, but the rain  changed my plans.  I work in Madison, and since the rain missed us there, I rode  in Madison.  It was a nice change of pace.  It seems like I've been riding on  an empty stomach a lot lately and today wasn't any different.  I can handle it  for about an hour, but after that, I'm pretty much on a hope and a prayer.  I pulled through, and I got to see a bit of Madison along the way.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Couple More Pictures from the Weekend

I did have a passenger on the tandem. REALLY! I impressed her with my
exceptional ability to exercise poor judgment.

Find a local pizza place, movie theater, and more….then map the best route!


Intsy and I went around Lake Michigan Thursday through Monday. I rode
everyday except Thursday. Bruno's Run, Mackinaw Island (on a tandem and
also on my mtb), VASA, and for the last ride, I cheated. I rode at home.

I'm from Illinois, and I thought Wisconsin was really cool with the whole
mountain biking thing, but Michigan is REALLY crazy about mountain biking.
It was awesome. I can't say the trails are a lot better than Wisconsin, but
there seem to be a lot of them. The trails seemed to be flatter than what I
am used to, but I didn't mind. I'm not hill climber. It did give me a
chance to get in some easy miles.

I did take the chance to jump in Lake Superior. I'll try attaching a
picture and we'll see what happens

I did a road ride yesterday because of all the rain. I was going to road
ride today, but I did take the chance to go over to Crystal Ridge to ride up
and down the gravel road killer climb. I also took great pleasure in
blowing away a couple scooters on 92nd street. I was on a hill, they didn't
have a chance. Of course, they caught me on the climb. I'll have my day.

Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN Travel.

Test Run

I'm trying to email my entry to my blog. I can't open my blog in Internet
Explorer at home and I can't log into my blog from AOL at home so I flipped
the email switch at another location today and I'm hoping this works.

Puzzles, trivia teasers, word scrambles and more. Play for your chance to

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Just Like Waking Up Late and Missing The Day

I just about missed summer! Not really. Summer was a blast. In early July we took a road trip to the Grand Tetons, Utah, Yellowstone, and the Badlands, not in that order. I rode a little. This summer, work has been CRAZY and struggled to find time to ride, but I did find some time. I rode tonight at Crystal Ridge and it was fantastic. I didn't do the hills and I hit all the singletrack I could. Just amazing!