Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Intsy and I went around Lake Michigan Thursday through Monday. I rode
everyday except Thursday. Bruno's Run, Mackinaw Island (on a tandem and
also on my mtb), VASA, and for the last ride, I cheated. I rode at home.

I'm from Illinois, and I thought Wisconsin was really cool with the whole
mountain biking thing, but Michigan is REALLY crazy about mountain biking.
It was awesome. I can't say the trails are a lot better than Wisconsin, but
there seem to be a lot of them. The trails seemed to be flatter than what I
am used to, but I didn't mind. I'm not hill climber. It did give me a
chance to get in some easy miles.

I did take the chance to jump in Lake Superior. I'll try attaching a
picture and we'll see what happens

I did a road ride yesterday because of all the rain. I was going to road
ride today, but I did take the chance to go over to Crystal Ridge to ride up
and down the gravel road killer climb. I also took great pleasure in
blowing away a couple scooters on 92nd street. I was on a hill, they didn't
have a chance. Of course, they caught me on the climb. I'll have my day.

Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN Travel.


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