Monday, September 3, 2007

Ah, Damn It!

We went on another family ride this weekend with the little ones, and I did something I've never done before.  I swept the bikes off the roof on a low bridge.  It was at low speed and the car and the bike rack took the brunt of it.  The driver feels bad about it, but I was right there, too and I flaked it, too.  In the morning, I decided that it was not a bad thing to happen because neither of us will EVER do that again.  I'm not sure how his bike is.  He told his wife that the handlebars are messed up.  I'd have to take a closer look because something looked bent but I couldn't figure out what.  I got a couple scraps on the top of my handle bars and it split the material on the front of my seat, but it was on the bottom edge.  Not a big deal at all.  The seat was loose and we just tightened it up and it was fine.  It also busted my computer which is fine with me.  It was a $7 Bell from Wal-mart.  It was possibly the cheapest thing on the bike.  It also broke a spoke on the back wheel.  I pulled a spoke off another wheel I had.  I haven't had time to straighten the wheel but I think it's fixable.  I feel bad for their car, though.  It's a Honda Odyssey and it bent the metal above the driver door where the bike rack pulled loose and it dug a furrow about 15 inches long on the back of the roof.  Not a mortal wound, but there was no body damage before so it really hurts. He hit it with some primer today to fight corrosion and the driver door area doesn't look too bad.  I still think we should pull down the roof liner and pound out the long dent.  Just get it back to somewhat normal and hit it with some touch up paint and it will be unnoticeable.   

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